Business Consultancy 


KSSI has remarkable technical expertise to serve as a platform for providing you with the right plan at the right time through an effective and consistent personal relationship with our clients. 

Infrastructure Revenue Creation

The KSSI team has conducted numerous revues of revenue generation throughout infrastructure providers and can supply your company with opportunities and methods you may not have previously considered. 

Strategic Process Development

KSSI's Strategic Management approach to meet business needs which promise low costs with minimum risks and enhanced profitability for the flourishing of your company​.

Market Survey

KSSI carries out the necessary research into the local market to assist the customer with understanding the opportunities and challenges within the markets. This study can help to enable our customer to enter the market and be successful in the shortest possible time.

Financial Due 

The team at KSSI investigate and carry out the necessary analysis, (similar to an audit), to gain a better understanding of the financial situation that the company finds itself in, and (if requested) KSSI can assist with the customers prospects for the future.


The analysis is always based upon objective data (where information has been made available) taking into account the possible known customer trials and current infrastructure, this analysis may contain subjective reasoning where necessary data was not made available​.